Gingham Garden & Lollipop Garden
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Real quick before I venture off to bed...I was packing my lunch for tomorrow and happened to have a jar of Strawberry Jam. It reminded me that I wanted to share with you this beautiful quilt kit for the adorable Gingham Garden Quilt. Guess what? There are just two left! The fabric collection came out earlier this year and it's mostly sold out from Moda. I know everyone is into Christmas quilts in December...but are you really going to get it finished in time at this point? Why not get started on Spring/Summer??? This complete quilt kit includes pattern, ample fabric for the top, binding AND backing!
We've had many questions about, "Is it applique?" The answer is,'s traditionally pieced. Others were worried about those adorable patchwork columns but they too are simple piecing.
The "Mothership" loves this one seeew much she even made up a sample. I love how her bar stool and ladder compliment this one seeew well! A great creative space indeed!
Lollipop Garden is also starting to dwindle and there's not a whole lot left! Lollipop Garden Pre-Cuts can be found here.
Jelly Rolls seem to still be the #1 pre-cut that our customers are challenged with. Even though there are endless amounts of patterns and books celebrating this exciting pre-cut, people still seem to struggle with finding a pattern that uses 2-1/2" strips. Here are two of our brand new favorite books that both work with the Moda Jelly Roll!
I only share books that have more than 5 patterns that are amazing! Both of these books will help you reduce your Jelly Roll stash! They are after all, meant to be used! I personally love a well coordinated quilt and I find that Moda pre-cuts help overcome the hurdle of fabric selection. If I'm going to invest my time in something or as a gift to someone, I want to make sure it looks good! You'll find both of these books here.
This sweet Table Runner was one of our featured Breakfast Club projects. Remember what I said earlier about how everyone is into Christmas projects right now? You know they aren't going to get them done before Christmas...seeew why not begin on creating something happy and cheerful for the upcoming Spring? This Lollipop Garden Table Runner Kit includes all fabrics (top, binding AND backing) to make this happy little project. Click here to order!
OK...I'm off to bed, I have to be up at 4am! I'll see what I have for you in the upcoming days! Word on the street is the Mothership will be sending me a box soon! Always fun to get a box, right?
Stay Seeew-cial! ~ Brian